Best Design Award project by design student, Kate McGuiness

December 2016

In 2015 Kate McGuinness, a design student from New Zealand began a research project titled:

“When I grow up, I want to be a ……….”.

Inspired by her own background as a teacher, Kate wanted to investigate how creativity was expressed by designers, curators and writers during their childhood and adolescence, to understand how childhood may have ignited their desire to create.

She approached a number of leading creatives from all around the world, inviting them to respond to a simple questionnaire and the responses were collated to form a book.

Purpose Founder Rob Howsam, was invited to contribute and via a series of scribbles explained how he was inspired by "the thrill of making, the steel industry and the DIY spirit of punk".

In October 2016 the project was awarded at the Designers Institute of New Zealand, Best Design Awards.

A wonderful project, well done Kate.